Efficiency Maine Rebates and More; Everything You Need To Know

At Mid-Coast Energy Systems, we are a qualified partner with the Efficiency Maine rebate program for water heaters and heat pumps, as well as other energy-saving initiatives such as geothermal and commercial lighting programs. 

These programs, offered by Efficiency Maine, aim to help residents and businesses save money on energy costs while reducing their carbon footprint.

Types of Programs

The Water Heater and Heat Pump Rebate Program offers rebates to customers who purchase and install energy-efficient water heaters and heat pumps. 

The Geothermal Program focuses on the installation of geothermal heating and cooling systems in residential and commercial buildings, providing efficient and sustainable solutions by harnessing the earth’s constant temperature. 

The Commercial Lighting Program promotes the upgrade of lighting systems to energy-efficient alternatives, helping businesses reduce energy consumption and operating costs by utilizing high-efficiency LED lights. 

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for this program, customers must meet certain criteria, including: 

  • purchasing and installing equipment that meets specific efficiency standards
  • being a homeowner, tenant, or business owner within the Efficiency Maine service territory. 

Eligible customers can apply rebates up to $8,000 by submitting an application, along with a copy of their purchase receipt and installation invoice.

As qualified partners in Efficiency Maine programs, Mid-Coast Energy Systems can provide valuable assistance to our customers by guiding them through the process of selecting the most suitable systems and facilitating rebate applications. 

Our goal is to help our customers maximize their savings and make informed decisions regarding energy efficiency.

Participating in these initiatives can help you save money and make a positive environmental impact. Visit efficiencymaine.com to learn more about these beneficial programs.